Main Street ArtWalk & PopUp Gallery Submission Information
Questions? Contact Us - palouseartwalk@gmail.com
The Main Street Artwalk will be held June 1-30 in Palouse, WA Main Street windows.
Chairs: Karen & Andy Peltier
The Pop-up Gallery will be held June 20-22 in the Palouse Community Center (220 E Main, Palouse, WA - entrance in back, on E Whitman).
Chair: Shandra Bohn
Artwork will be available for sale at both venues and on our website during both the
Main Street Artwalk and the Pop-up Gallery.
Main Street Artwalk schedule:
Friday, May 16, 2025 - - Main Street Artwalk submission deadline
Monday, May 19 – Saturday, May 24 - - Artwork drop off
Sunday, June 1 - - All art will be displayed in Main Street windows and website listings live.
Tuesday, July 1 - - All art removed from locations and remaining listings marked as “Sold Out” on the website.
Sunday, July 13 - - Deadline to pick up remaining art pieces.
Pop-up Gallery schedule:
Sunday, June 1, 2025 - - PopUp Gallery submission deadline
Wednesday, June 18
3-9 pm - - Artwork drop off
Friday, June 20
1 - 8pm - - Open to Public
1pm - - Spark an Artist Silent Auction begins, in person bidding only
6 - 8pm - - Artist Reception, Artists encouraged to attend
Saturday, June 21
11am - 8pm - - Open to Public
Sunday, June 22
12 - 3pm - - Open to Public
3pm Spark an Artist Silent Auction closes
3 – 6pm - - Buyers collect purchases, artists collect remaining pieces, unless previous arrangements have been made with Shandra.
Artists who use social media are encouraged to share the event and to “like” Palouse Arts Council on Facebook and follow on Instagram @palouseartscouncil. That will give you access to any posts and pictures regarding the event that you can also share.

Artwork Information Required
Artwork title(s), media used, price(s) if for sale, contact information, a short bio of the artist, and photos of the art to be shown. We will be creating title cards, biography sheets, and website listings based on this information. Submissions are requested online. If you need assistance with submission, contact us. Paper forms are available upon request.
Spark an Artist Program
The Palouse Arts Council takes 28% commission on all art sold, a portion of which will go toward our Spark an Artist merit awards. The Palouse Arts Council annually gives two merit awards, one award for a middle school student and one award for a high school student in the Garfield-Palouse School District Geography. Traditional and Homeschoolers are all encouraged to apply. Students are nominated by their teachers or community members based on their creative promise and artistic enthusiasm. These are not scholarships, but monetary awards with the intent to encourage young artists. At the conclusion of the 2025 event, your sales will be calculated and a check written to your legal name, which will then be mailed or hand delivered to you. All accounting by the Palouse Arts Council will be completed by July 30, 2025. Palouse Arts Council will handle any applicable Washington State sales tax. Palouse Arts Council will handle logistics of any shipping or delivery of art to the buyer. The buyer will be expected to pay any packaging, shipping, or delivery charges.
Please consider donating artwork for our Spark an Artist Silent Auction
which is held during the Pop-up Gallery Exhibition.The Palouse Arts Council is a 501c3 and any
donations are tax deductible. We will provide our tax ID number at the time of
Insurance Coverage
Each artist should obtain insurance coverage for damage or loss to items being displayed. The artist assumes all risks of loss or damage. The Palouse Arts Council, Executive Board members, its individual members, and participating local businesses where art is displayed will not be liable to any artist for any direct, incidental, consequential damages or loss to the artist or to their property arising from or connected with the artist's participation in the Palouse Arts Council's Artwalk. Furthermore, the artist shall indemnify and hold the Palouse Arts Council and participating businesses harmless from and against any claim whatsoever for injury, loss, or damage resulting from any act or mission of the artist.