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David Herbold 2023

David Herbold Artist statement or such words:

“Art simply occurs in the process of everyday life.” –David Ireland

I love making things. I also love collecting materials and objects. I am not sure what happens first an idea for a piece or the idea to make use of materials I have collected. It is always easier for me to start from something and change it. I enjoy working in diverse media and mediums but clay is my comfort blanket. I continue to use clay, but I have been spending an increasing amount of time in my studio with found materials and functional objects.

Short Bio:

I was introduced to art at a young age. The first gift I can remember buying for my parents was a ceramic vase from a potter’s studio up the street from the house where I grew up. I was very lucky to have supportive parents and public schooling that always had thriving arts programs. In high school, I had a dedicated ceramics course with an amazing teacher (thanks Cindy Irby). My first job at 14 was working at a handmade tile factory. I graduated from high school and was off to Bozeman, MT, (where I was born) to attend Montana State I was already set on pursuing art for my undergraduate degree. I learned valuable lessons from my mentor Michael Peed about making narrative ceramic work and how to approach and maintain making art as a life pursuit. I have been very fortunate to have lived in Germany for two years of my youth and studied art in Italy for a year in college. Since graduating with a BFA from Montana State in 2000 I hopped around quite a bit but have always maintained a studio practice and a bushel of other jobs. In 2008 I moved to Moscow to attend the University of Idaho to pursue a MFA in Studio Arts. I received my MFA in 2011, married my wonderful wife the day before graduation and we started our life together.

We continue to live in Moscow with our 2 sons and pets.